AVACS Live Chat is kind of
messanger like
Nimbuzz,mig33,qeep, But it
has some things important
that make this better than
other for example: it is cheap than nimbuzz .and it
is useful and have fun with
great smileys .so i like to
introduce AVACS and learn
you how to use it.you will
enjoy it good luck!


AVACS new version has

socket coonection. Socket

conection is kind of

connection which is so fast

and you will enjoy when

you are chating with your friends. also it has turbo

mode which make your

network speed faster in

chat. for turn OFF/ON it

press * button/setting/

turbo.you can turn it on or off. also you can change

your coonection type there

which if you have problem

in chat youcan use old one

connection"http".you can

download new version from www.avacschat.com


When you download or

install Avacs in your phone

first you have need

Internet Connection "

GPRS".when you conected

there will bea windows which need your nick and

password if you are new

you can type nick and

password you want after

log in press yes i m new

and then you recieve message about your

profile.enjoy Avacs!



Profile is informations

about you so you can put

some of your

informations.for do that

you have to go this

way:press 4 key/ Questionnaire.you will see

a windows which you can

put your informations

there first part is Nick.you

can change your nick

name" but becarefull if you log out yoou have to type

your new nick to

come"next part is your

Password next part is

sex,which means you can

select your sex.if you are male you select male and if

you are femaile you select

femail. next part is Photo

where you can upload

your profile picture"for

more uploads you have to upload your pics in avacs

gallery"whenyou press

Photo,you will see a new

windows.first part of that

is make photo which you

can take picture using your camera. second part is add

from file,which you can

upload it from your mobile

memory or your memory

card next part is using

browser which you can visit site that its tell you

and upload your pic and

last part is By e-mail which

you need to send it via e-

mail.this windows

explanation finished and we going back to

Quetionnaire:: next part is

E-mail which you have to

type your e-mail"no body

can see it"it will helps you

when you forgot your password it will be send to

your e-mail. next part is

avatar which you can

select kind of pics next

your nick when you are

chatting. next part is invited which you put your

inviter nick there if you

want. netx part is country

which you have select your

country you live. next part

is Operator which you select what is your mobile

operator"so if avacs

support it ,you can use sms

servic there". next part is

City which you have type

your city you live. and the last part is personal ,where

you can type more

information like :first

name,last name,birthday

and about your self



In chat menu you can to
things like:see room
informations,if you get
crown set read only or
turn off or on anti
flood,send pic or files to chat room and ... so this is
my pleasure to explain first
you see the private
message,when your
pointer is on user when
you press 6 and private message you can send
message to that user or 7
next buttons " ADD TO
like private message
works. 2 parts after these
parts " set read only and
turn on antiflood on or off"
visible and works ,when you have crown in that
room.after these parts you
see about room which you
can see in read only mode
during 48 hourses and who is in room " the easiest
way is that press 6 and
press who is in room" the
next part is link to chat
which let you add photo
from your camera or from your phone or let you
lets you tell what you want
but it takes to much
characters so you can use this part.



In english PURSE means

kinds of bag which mans

put their money there and

carry with it.but in AVACS

purse is money you

got.maybeyou asking how we can get money in

AVACS?your answer is

that ask your

merchants.they will sell

you purse.but there

another question comes that:how we can use our

purse?your answer is first

for access your purse press

4/purse and servic.there is

your purse and usage of

your purse.first of all you can see there how much

you have purse.second it's

a little explanation of purse

after that it shows you

merchants list.you can find

your merchant there.then it is 10sents newsline

which it's show on the top

ofyour scrren in blue

colour and it's shown just

one time. the next part is

newsline/advertise with 140 cents,which you can

see it on the top of your

screen with yellow colour

and it be shown for 12

hourse and in one hour

just one time. next part is bonosolizer,which is kind

of purse games that you

can win more purse.i will

tell you how you can play it

in next parts. next part is

Roulette,which is another purse game"will be explan

in next parts". next pat is

Vote for room,which you

can vote your room.1 vote

for rooms costs 15 Cents.if

you vote your room,your room will be goes top. and

the another part is Me is

super Modarator,which

you can vote your self/for

any body to become SM ."i

Will give you more informations in next

parts". and the last part is

statics,which you can


fund and Bonusolizator,last




There is 2 setting one of

them is from press 4 key

and setting and one of then

is from press * key and

setting.first i want to

explain setting from 4 key.you can change format

of images which you want

to see in avacs and size of

images and you can change

your font color in there

and the important thing is that you can logging off

from there"but this is

when you want change

nick no offline". and the

second setting from press *

key let you do:turn off or on sound and change your

font typing and let you

choose application

language and let you turn

off or on Avacs server.



In this part you can do

something else like: control

your ignore list,see you

contact book,incoming

message,out coming

message,incoming files,invitation to

rooms,and important

messages first i want to

explain about all parts i

said: first who is online

where you can see who is online the next part About

commiunity is show you

how many people male or

female is online and how

many new users come in

avacs next part is Invite friend which you can send

E-mail to friends to come in

avacs live chat. the next

part is Contact book where

you can find your friends

you add there before and send private message or

something else. next part is

ignor list where shows you

how many people you


*~INCOMING & OUTGOING~* Messages shows your

messages sent or recieved.

next part of incoming file is

where your recieved files

saved and you can open it

easily. next part Invitation to rooms shows you

where you invited and you

can go that room from this

list. and the last part is

important messages which

shows administrartor messages." but not

messages which is your

answer from




Administrartor is owner of

avacs company,who has

full power in avacs.his pvit

color is gold and you can

pvit him with this way

press 4 key then go to help then message to admin.

after you go there there is

some kinds of subject to pv

to admin. EMAIL victor@avacs.net