If you have problem to log
in with your sell phone or
you don't have mobile,you
can online with your pc.for
pc chat please visit
www.AVACSCHAT.com. also you can add galley
there in


some users want grow up
their rating so they try to
keep repeat messages in
room.in Avacs there is kind
of antiflooder so it
stopflooding in room when it is on.all modarators and
owner can control
antiflooder and turn it on
or off.anti flooder will be
on for 10 minutes so one of
modarators have expend it for another 10 minutes.it
works to nicks with rate
les than 100.


in this place you can upload
your pics and show it to
your friends.also people
can give your pics some
comments.if you like
upload your pics you can visit:


Administrator sometimes
ban bad users it means that
user cant log in again in
avacs with that ip or
phone.so if you give
administrator id number from user information so
administrator can easily
ban that user

Duck hunt